

 CPYP Publications

  • Achieving Permanency: Guidelines for Expectations of County Child Welfare Staff (2009)
    This guide serves as a model for agencies in finding family permanency for children and youth. It suggests that child welfare tasks focus on safety and on helping young people leave foster care for permanent homes. The guide can be used to clarify expectations with agency staff regarding permanency, evaluate staff performance, and prioritize permanency tasks so that permanency becomes as intuitive as safety and well-being in the agency.

Achieving Permanency: Guidelines for Expectations 

  • CPYP Organizational Development Guide for Youth Permanency (2007)
    This practice guide details what CPYP has found to be successful in working with public child welfare agencies on youth permanency practice, based on the project's experience in working with fourteen California counties.

Organizational Development Guide

Organizational Development Guide - Online Resources

Six Steps Guide

  • Recommendations for Effective Partnerships on Youth Permanence (2006)
    Three summary reports of recommendations on how effective partnerships between child welfare agencies and a) the juvenile courts, b) group homes, and c) adoption/foster family agencies can accomplish improved permanency outcomes for foster youth.

Partnerships between Juvenile Courts and Child Welfare

Partnerships between Group Homes and Child Welfare 

Partnerships between Adoption and Foster Family Agencies and Child Welfare

A Call to Action

  • Model Programs Update (2005)
    This 2005 addendum to the Model Programs for Youth Permanency booklet includes brief descriptions of sixteen additional programs throughout the United States.

    Model Programs Update (2005) 

  • Model Programs for Youth Permanency (2004)
    This CPYP publication reports on nine exemplary permanency programs throughout the U.S. and explains the critical elements of such programs.

Model Programs (2004) 

  • Youth Perspectives on Permanency (2004)
    "What do foster youth think about permanency?" CPYP, in partnership with the  California Youth Connection (CYC), held interviews and focus groups with several foster youth to talk about this question. This document explores some of their answers.

    Youth Perspectives (2004) 

California County Publications

  • A Guide to Permanency Options for Youth UPDATED (2009)
    A publication of  Alameda County Social Services Agency, this document provides concise information about various permanency options, including reunification, adoption, and legal guardianship. Comparison charts show the differences in financial benefits and legal and psycho-social factors among the various permanency options. In May 2009, updates were issued for several pages in the original Guide, together with supplemental handouts regarding permanency options for youth. (Note: All rates are specific for Alameda County.)

Permanency Options for Youth (2005)

  • Updates 2009

A Comparison of Financial Benefits-Adoption, Legal Guardianship, and Foster Care (replaces pages 17-23)

Funding Sources (replaces page 24)

Legal Citations Chart 1: A Comparison of Financial Benefits - Adoption, Legal Guardianship, and Foster Care (replaces pages 31-32)

  • Supplemental Handouts 2009

Considering Adoption or Legal Guardianship?/Financial Issues Regarding Adoption and Legal Guardianship

Understanding Access to College Financial Aid for Former Foster Youth/FAQ: Financial Aid and Permanency Options for Youth

Eligibility Grid for Current and Former Alameda County Foster Youth

  • There's No Place Like Home: A Guide to Permanency Options for Foster Youth
    A publication of Sacramento County Ruby Slippers Project, this guide is based on Alameda County's "Guide to Permanency Options for Youth." Sacramento County foster youth leaders Jonathan Pearson and Tiffany Hagler adapted the Alameda publication for use in Sacramento County.

Sacramento County Guide To Permanency Options for Youth

  • Finding Permanency for Youth Resource Handbook (2006) 
    A publication of  Fresno County Department of Children and Family Services, this handbook emphases the inherent practices and principles around permanency and is designed to served as a tool to help promote lifelong connections and make permanency a reality for all youth in out of home care.

Youth Resource Handbook (2006)